Send your request through the contact form. We usually respond within one working day.
Do you have an urgent request, problem or other matter that cannot be delayed? Call us, we are here for you.
IČO: 50 176 749 | DIČ: 2120197563 IČ DPH: SK 2120197563
Bank account
IBAN: SK72 8330 0000 0023 0112 3492
We value your loyalty and that is why we have prepared a discount loyalty program for you, which will reward your loyalty in the form of a pleasant discount! Create an account with us and save! Car rental Košice Airport, PRESTIGE rent-a-car
PRESTIGE rent-a-car Letisko Košice 041 75 Košice
PRESTIGE rent-a-car
Airport Košice
041 75 Košice
Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Orders outside opening hours for an additional fee (25€) according to the price list.
+421 950 45 45 01 – Košice
+421 949 00 45 45 – Košice